Ranking History Selection tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Equipment Rankings

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

On this tab you select equipment classes, categories, or individual equipment for which to include condition score history. This tab has two purposes. You can verify that the decay curve, as defined on the Curve Points tab of this screen, and the equipment historical condition scores that were collected on the Ranking History tab of the equipment screens, match each other. The easiest way to compare these is on the Curve Chart tab of the Decay Curve screen.

A second purpose is to define the historical condition scores that will be used as input for the Regression Based Non-Linear Optimization process that will determine the details of the Markov transition matrix and the resulting curve points automatically.

The Ranking History Selection tab has these important attributes:

  1. Class - The equipment class for which you want to include condition score history.

  2. Category - The equipment category for which you want to include condition score history.

  3. Equipment - The equipment for which you want to include condition score history.

  4. Type - System Codes types entity "RATP". Select the same Type that was also selected on the Ranking History tab of the equipment screens. Note that ideally these are condition scores, but the system also shows the other types like facility condition index, criticality index, etc.

  5. Include Withdrawn - If selected, history of withdrawn equipment is included.

  6. Include Out of Service - If selected, history of equipment flagged as out of service is included.

  7. Include Linear - If selected, history records where from point and to point are entered is included.

  8. UDFs - If you enter a value for a user defined field on this tab, the history record must match that value.