Mapping data types - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs


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HxGN EAM Version

When creating mapping records between HxGN EAM and GIS it is not only important to consider which fields to map to each other but also the type of data that will be held in each field. Carefully consider the field properties and the type of data flowing back and forth for each mapped field. You may create mappings for various numeric, text and date fields but only fields of the same type should be mapped to one another. For example, text to text, number to number, date to date. This is because each data type is restricted to storing the data in a certain format. For example, numeric fields can be numeric-double, numeric-float, or numeric-long and each may have various scale and precision limits. Text fields are normally string fields that vary in lengths such as 20, 25, and 50 characters, etc. Date fields can be date or date/time, each requiring their own length and format depending on locale. Synchronization problems will occur when the data type and size do not match on both mapped fields. In addition, some fields in HxGN EAM round to the nearest decimal value so the data in those fields may not match GIS even after synchronization. Therefore, it is always best to carefully plan, review, and test that all field mappings are compatible in type and format with each other before live synchronization begins. In addition, the current design of the ArcGIS system will in cases allow spatial data that have geometry problems to be created. This data must be corrected using ESRI tools within Arc Map before it can be synchronized to HxGN EAM. If synchronization is attempted before correcting these issues, errors may occur, and the synchronization will fail.

Custom fields or comments used in field mappings these should be limited to a small number, 10 or less. Mapping too many custom fields can significantly slow synchronization performance.

See ESRI documentation and support for more information on resolving spatial data errors.