GIS tab - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs


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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Compare GIS features and HxGN EAM equipment to provide a list of HxGN EAM equipment that cannot be found within the GIS application. The list will display in the grid. Note that the system will search all integrated layers for the equipment not just the layer selected. The user will have the ability to immediately correct the discrepancies found or save them for correction at another time. All selected equipment will be created as features in GIS and any mapped fields with source as HxGN EAM or BOTH will also be populated on the new feature record. The GISOBJID will be populated in the feature’s layer table and match the corresponding GIS object ID on the equipment record in EAM. The location of the feature of the map will be determined from the X and Y coordinates in HxGN EAM if it exists or the user can use the record function to click a point on the map within Arc Map to populate the correct X and Y coordinates for the new feature. If using multiple maps functionality in HxGN EAM, the feature will be created in the user’s default map if one exists, or a map can be specified by updating the map field in the grid for each feature. The system will display the results for each record in the grid. If errors occur, they will display for each failed record.