Defining fields for web service prompts - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Add, update, or delete fields for each web service that will be available on the Web Services Prompt. Fields available for use will be those related to the web services defined on the Web Services page of the Web Service Prompts form.

This form contains no capability for defining language translations for field labels displayed. When the prompt is executed, field labels display as entered on the Fields form for the selected web service prompt. To display prompts in multiple languages, a separate Web Service Prompt must be created for each language.

User defined fields are available for web service prompts. The fields display in a list of all fields under the appropriate web service for some insert/update web services. These user defined fields inherit properties from the associated reference form. Right-click in Screen Designer mode to define options for user defined fields. When you highlight a user defined field in the grid, the system protects Field Type and Query Code. This information is defined on the base screen for which the web service is related.

Entity lookup user defined fields show records for all organizations in the user's organization list when a controlling organization is not available. A record cannot be submitted if the controlling organization and the user defined field organization are in conflict.

  1. Select Administration > Web Service Prompt Engine > Web Service Prompts.

  2. Select the web service prompt for which to define fields for web services, and then click the Fields tab.

  3. Click Add Field.

  4. Specify this information:

    Process Group–Web Service - Specify the process group for which to add the web service field. Screen and Tab are automatically populated.

    Field - Specify the field to add to the process group. Available fields are based on the selected web service.

    Field Label - Specify the name for the field. This information will be displayed as the field boiler text for the Web Services Prompt Engine. The default Field Label is equivalent to the Field.

    Field Type - Specify the field type based on the selected field and web service. The default Field Type is the system-delivered type for the selected Field. However, you may change this value. The user-defined Field Type is displayed on the Web Service Prompt Engine. You can change the default to one of the following options:

    • Alphabetic

    • Computed

    • Date

    • Fixed

    • Free format text

    • Key Field

    • Numeric

    • Retrieved Field

    • Key Field is available only when an "update" or "delete" web service is selected. When setting up a web service prompt that uses an update or delete web service, the system administrator must create a Field for each key field the web service requires to uniquely describe a record. Field Type should be Key Field. The web service prompt engine first prompts you to enter the key field value(s) for the record to process, such as Equipment and Equipment Organization. For updating web services, the system queries for the record to display the results. You may update and then submit the record. For deleting web services, after you enter all key field values, the system deletes the record.

    • Retrieved Field is available only when an "insert" web service is chosen. When setting up a web service prompt that uses an insert web service, one or more key field values must be retrieved from a web service previously processed in the current prompt record. The administrator needs to create a Field of type Retrieved Field for each of the key fields. For example, a web service prompt is created that allows you to create a work order and an activity for the work order simultaneously. You want the activity to be associated with the work order that is created in a previous process group; however, the data will be entered into the web service prompt engine and processed simultaneously. To ensure the activity is associated with the correct work order, the system must first process the "insert" work order web service, then pass (retrieve) the work order number and work order organization back to the create activity web service. This key field information, along with other required activity data, is used to create the activity and relate it to the proper work order. Retrieved Field (Field Type = Retrieved Field) records would be created for the activity work order number and activity work order organization because the work order number and organization are required to associate the activity.

    • Retrieve From Group–Web Service should be populated with the web service from which these key field values are retrieved. In this example, they are retrieved from the "insert" work order web service. Retrieve Field will be the key field in the retrieve from web service from which the data is retrieved. In this example, WO Number is one of the retrieved fields. Another Field should be created similarly to define how to retrieve the work order organization for use in creating the activity. Field values can only be retrieved from web services with a lesser process group number. For example, a value cannot be retrieved for use in the current web service unless a previous web service was processed to provide the information.

    • Retrieved Field and Key Field are not available when Unmapped is blank.

    • Retrieved Field Type is not associated with the functionality available on the Retrieved Values page. If a field is defined as check box, it appears as a check box on the Web Service Prompt Engine page.

      Display Type - Specify how the field will be displayed using the Web Service Prompt Engine. The default value will be the system default for the selected field. The user can change the default to one of the following options:

    • Optional

    • Required

    • Hidden

    • Protected

      If Field Type is Fixed or Computed, only Protected and Hidden will be available for Display Type. If Field Type is Retrieved Field, only Hidden will be available for Display Type.

      Sequence - Specify a numeric value for the sequence. Fields are displayed using the Web Service Prompt Engine in ascending order by their Sequence. The default value provided by the system is based on the INCRLIND parameter.

      It is important to ensure that the web service prompt fields are displayed grouped together, using the Web Service Prompt Engine, by Process Group–Web Service. The Sequence range available is controlled for fields for the selected Process Group–Web Service. The Sequence must not overlap with a Sequence associated with a previous or subsequent process group. For example, web service prompt fields are grouped on the Web Service Prompt Engine by Process Group–Web Service, then by Sequence.

      Minimum Length - Specify the minimum number of characters for the field.

      Maximum Length - Specify the maximum number of characters for the field.

      Next Sequence - Specify the number at which to begin the next sequence.

      Query Code - Specify the query code. The Query Code defines values available for selection in a list of values field when a server connection is available. For example, the query and list of available values will be based on the HxGN EAM tables.

      Mobile Query Code - Specify the mobile query code that defines a list of values that is available for the field.

      The mobile device uses the Query Code list of values if an application server connection exists; otherwise, the Mobile Query Code list of values is used. For example, local data populates the list of values.

      Retrieve Field - Specify the name of the field from which to retrieve data. The system automatically populates Retrieve From Group–Web Service and Retrieve Field X-Path.

      Query Web Service - Specify the query web service. A Query Web Service applies only when defining key field for an "update" web service. The Query Web Service is used to query the data in the record to display to the user for possible updates.

      Unmapped Field - Select if specified field is not mapped to any field in web service. The field value can then be processed further by the Prompt as part of a calculation or retrieved values.

      Use Previous Value - Select to use the previous field value.

      If Data Is - Specify the Go To condition. This field describes the condition in which the system does not access the field defined by Next Sequence but instead places focus on the Go To Sequence.

      Pattern - Specify the pattern that should be met for the Go To condition.

      Go To - Specify the field sequence that the system will follow, versus Next Sequence, if the condition is met.

      Clear Previous Values Starting From Go To Target Field - Select to enable the system to carry forward values for fields with Use Previous Value selected, when the prompt sequence is less than (<) the "Go To" target field sequence. For example, previous values for prompt fields >= "Go To" target field sequence will be cleared. Otherwise, the system will carry forward values for fields with Use Previous Value selected, when the prompt sequence is less than (<) the "Go To" source field sequence. For example, previous values for prompt fields <= "Go To" source field sequence will be cleared.

      Retrieve From Group–Web Service - Specify the web service from which key field values will be returned and used in a subsequent process group.

      Computed Data - Specify the computed data for the field when Field Type is Computed.

      Pattern Match - Specify a pattern for Field Type of Alphabetic for which entered data must match in order to be valid.

      The following "wild card" characters are supported when defining a Pattern Match:

    • . (period): single alphabetical characters, A through Z

    • # (pound sign): any single number, 0 through 9

    • _ (underscore): any single alphanumeric character, A through Z and 0 through 9

    • % (percent): a string of alphanumeric characters

    • , (comma): OR condition

    • : (colon): THROUGHOUT condition

    • ! Any character(s) or numbers(s): data entered should not match what follows the "!" NOT condition.

      See Defining retrieved values for web service prompts.

  5. Click Submit.

  • To remove a field, select the field to remove, and then click Remove Field. Fields corresponding to the Controlling Organization for a web service cannot be removed from this page because they are critical to processing the web service. However, if the web service itself is removed from the Web Service page, all related fields are automatically removed including Controlling Organization.

  • Errors are not displayed on this page if all necessary required, key, or retrieved fields are not defined for the web service prompt to function properly using the Web Service Prompt Engine. An error is displayed when the Web Service Prompt Engine processes records with insufficient prompt fields. An error is also displayed from the Web Service Prompt Engine if a next sequence is defined that does not exist within the prompt definition.