Setting up rates for fleet billing codes - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Set up rates for fleet billing codes. Specify particular rates for particular dates by setting up start dates and end dates for the rates. For example, a usage rate might fluctuate during different times of the year. Set up usage rates for usage charges, mileage rates for mileage charges, and insurance rates for insurance charges.

  1. Select Work > Fleet > Fleet Billing Codes.

  2. Select the fleet billing code for which to set up rates, and then click the Rates tab.

  3. Click Add Rate.

  4. Specify this information:

    Start Date - Specify the start date of the rate.

    End Date - Specify the end date of the rate.

    Start Date must be on or before the End Date.

    Usage Rate Type - Choose one of the following options:

    • Hourly - Select to bill usage charges by the hour.

    • Billing Period - Select to bill usage charges according to the billing period.

    • Usage Charge - Specify the usage charge for the rate, if the rate is a usage rate.

      To set up a usage rate, you must specify both a Usage Rate Type and a Usage Charge.

      Mileage Charge - Specify the mileage charge for the rate, if the rate is a mileage rate.

      Insurance Charge - Specify the insurance charge for the rate, if the rate is an insurance rate.

  5. Click Submit.