Adding additional charges (MOS) - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Add additional charges to a pricing schedule for specific organizations. Additional charges on a pricing schedule are added to every work order that is completed for a customer contract. The additional charges are not added or displayed on the work order when the work order is created. Instead, additional charges are added to the work order costs when the system calculates work order customer charges.

See Understanding the calculation of customer charges.

You can only add additional charges for specific organizations if the MULTIORG installation parameter is set to YES.

To add additional charges (MOS):

  1. Select Work > Asset Management Services > AMS-Pricing Schedules.

  2. Select the pricing schedule for which to add additional charges and then click the Additional Charges tab.

  3. Click Add Charge. The system automatically populates Organization with the organization of the logged-in user.

  4. Specify this information:

    Additional Charge - Specify an additional amount to add to invoices for the pricing schedule.

    A fixed charge is per invoice; whereas, an additional charge is per work order.

    Organization - Specify the organization for which to add the fixed or added price.

  5. Click Submit.