Step 1: Define basic calibration data - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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HxGN EAM Version

To define basic calibration data:

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

    • Equipment > Setup > Categories

    • Equipment > Equipment Configuration > Equipment Configurations

  2. Select the asset, position, system, or category for which to define calibration data, and then click the Calibration tab.

  3. Specify this information:

    Instrument Loop - Select to indicate whether the piece of equipment is an individual calibration instrument or is part of a calibration loop.

    Instrument Type - Choose one of the following options if the instrument is within a loop:

    • Standard applied to - Select to indicate the instrument is a point in the loop to which a standard is applied.

    • Accessory - Select to indicate the instrument is secondary or subordinate within the loop.

    • Reading taken from - Select to indicate the instrument is a point in the loop at which calibration readings are taken.

      Test Point UOM - Specify the unit of measure for the test point.

      Device Tolerance - Specify the range of the device tolerance for the piece of equipment, e.g., 10 to 20. The values entered indicate the desired range for the calibration measurement and can be either an absolute or a percentage.

      Alert Tolerance - Specify the alert tolerance for the piece of equipment. The system interprets the value entered as a percentage.

      Precision - Specify the precision of the instrument.

      Output Range - Specify numeric values indicating the potential range of the device output, e.g., 200 to 500.

      Default Set - Specify a value identifying the calibration data and test points as the default set of test points for the equipment. Designate the set of test points as the default set to indicate which set of test points to copy to manually created calibration work orders. The system also copies the default set when creating PM equipment records.

      Output UOM - Specify the unit of measure for the device output.

      Choose one of these options to indicate the type of value for the specified Device Tolerance:

    • Percentage - Select to apply the values entered in Device Tolerance as a percent value.

    • Absolute - Select to apply the values entered in Device Tolerance as an absolute value.

      Increment - Specify the increment that the instrument can read.

      If you enter an Increment for a test point, the Device Reading that you enter on the Calibration page of the Work Orders form must be a multiple of the specified Increment when entering calibration results. For example, if you enter an increment of 5, you must enter a Device Reading that is a multiple of 5, such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.

      Device Range - Specify numeric values indicating the potential range for the device, such as 250 to 450.

      Process Tolerance - Specify the range of the process tolerance, such as 10 to 20.

      Process Range - Specify the range of the process, such as 150 to 600.

      S.O.P. - Specify the standard operating procedure for calibration.

  4. Click Save Record.

    The system automatically populates Next Cal. Due with the date of the next calibration work order for the piece of equipment.

    • The system does not display Next Cal. Due on the Calibration page of the Categories and Equipment Configurations forms.

    • Update calibration data as necessary. The system applies new data entered in Test Point UOM and Device Tolerance to work order test points created after you make the update. The system does not update the data on existing test point records.

    • Right-click and then select View Calibration Results to view calibration results for the equipment record.

    • If you are defining calibration data for a category, click Update Equipment and Update Equipment Configurations. The system copies the calibration data to all equipment records within the category. Prior to copying the calibration data, the system deletes any calibration data for this category from related equipment records.

    • The system does not display Update Equipment and Update Equipment Configurations on the Calibration page of the Equipment Configurations.