Defining employee codes - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Define codes to represent individual employees, and then use the employee codes to track full-time, part-time, and seasonal personnel.

  1. Select Work > Setup > Employees.

  2. Click New Record.

  3. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization to which the employee belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Employee - Specify a unique code identifying the employee, and then enter a description of the employee code in the adjacent field.

    Department - Specify the employee’s department.

  4. Specify this Employee Details information:

    Select the Out of Service check box to prevent the employee code from being displayed in lookups. Out of Service is automatically populated if the employee has been transferred to another organization.

    Transferred To Employee and Transferred To Employee Org. are automatically populated when an employee is transferred between company organizations. See Transferring employees between organizations

    Class - Specify the class of the employee.

    Trade - Specify the employee’s trade or craft.

    Job Title - Specify the employee's job title.

    Supervisor - Specify the employee's supervisor.

    Associated User - Specify the EAM Mobile user to associate with this employee.

    Tradeperson - Select this check box to indicate this employee belongs to a trade profession.

    Workspace Occupant - Select this check box to indicate this employee occupies a physical workspace.

    Determines Crew Location for Dispatching - This check box is used on the GIS Map WO Dispatching screen to show a crew's location on the map. Select this check box to indicate this employee's mobile device will show the crew's location on that map.

    The employee associated to the mobile device's logged-on user is utilized. Breadcrumbs from that device are used to determine the device location shown on the map

    Hire Date - Specify the date the employee was hired.

    Date of Birth - Specify the employee's date of birth.

    Terminated Date - Specify the date the employee is terminated.

    Payroll No. - Specify a payroll number to which to associate the employee.

    Security Badge No. - Specify the employee's security badge number.

    Driver's License No. - Specify the employee’s driver’s license number.

    Alias - Specify an alias to associate to the employee.

    Notification Preference - Select the employee's preference for receiving notifications.

  5. Optionally, click Upload Profile Picture to add a profile picture for the employee.

  6. Specify this Contact Information details for the employee:

    Specify the employee's Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country.

    Specify the employee's Emergency Contact and the Emergency Contact Phone No.

    Specify the employee's Work Phone No., Mobile Phone No., and Home Phone No.

    E-mail Address - Specify the employee’s e-mail address as necessary.

    Image URL - Specify the employee's URL address for their image.

  7. Optionally, specify this Contract and Rental Details information for the employee:

    Fleet Customer - Specify the fleet customer with which to associate the employee.

    Cost Code - Specify the fleet cost code with which to associate the employee.

    Customer - Specify the contract rental customer with which to associate the employee.

  8. Click Save Record.

    Scheduling Session and Scheduling Session Type are automatically populated.

    Optionally, click Revoke to remove the employee's record and all references to the record for GDPR compliance.

    This process is not reversible.