Associating qualifications with task plans - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Associate qualifications with task plans and task jobs to establish the minimum qualifications for an employee to perform tasks associated with work. Qualifications are defined on the Qualifications form. See Defining qualifications.

After defining a qualification, you can associate it with task plans.

When you select a task plan to which you have associated qualifications for a work order activity, you can only assign/schedule an employee that has an active record of the required qualification(s) for that task plan on their personnel record to perform the work order activity. Employee qualifications are active if the employee has completed the necessary training course/requirements and the training has not expired as indicated by the Start Date and Expiration Date for the qualification on the employee’s personnel record. Employees can also be Temporarily Disqualified for qualifications as necessary on their personnel record.

If you delete a qualification previously associated with a task plan, then the deleted task plan qualification will no longer be required for any subsequent work order activities for which the task plan is selected. However, the deleted task plan qualification will still be required for any existing work order activities for which the task plan is selected.

Likewise, if you add a new qualification to a task plan or update an existing qualification associated with a task plan, the new/updated task plan will not affect any existing work order activities for which the task plan is selected. However, the added/updated qualification will be required for subsequent work order activities for which the task plan is selected, and a message is displayed indicating the number of open work orders for the task plan.

To associate qualifications with task plans:

  1. Select Work > WO Planning > Task Plans.

  2. Select the task plan with which to associate qualifications, and then click the Qualifications tab.

  3. Click Add Qualification.

  4. Specify this information:

    Job - Specify the job to associate with the qualification on the task plan. Job Plan is automatically populated.

    Qualification - Specify the qualification to associate with the task plan. The description of the qualification and the Organization are automatically populated.

  5. Click Submit.