Viewing ranking history for equipment - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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View ranking history records for equipment. You can manually add and update ranking history data on this screen.

You can also view records that are generated by the system. The System Generated check box is selected if the record has a valid equipment ranking associated.

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

  2. Select the equipment for which to view ranking history records, and then click the Ranking History tab.

  3. View the ranking history records for the equipment.

  4. Click Add Record to create a new equipment ranking record.

  5. Specify this information:

    Type - Specify the ranking type, such as Condition Index, Criticality Index, Facility Condition Index, Reliability Index, or Risk Priority Index.

    Date - Specify the date for the ranking.

    Ranking Score - Specify the ranking score.

  6. Optionally, specify this information:

    Ranking Index - Specify the ranking index.

    Usage - Specify the usage associated with ranking.

    Meter UOM - Specify the unit of measure for the usage.

    Performance - Specify a rating for the performance of the equipment performance with a value of 0 to 100.

    Condition Rating - Specify a numeric rating from 0 to 100 for the condition of the equipment.

    From Point - Specify the from point for the ranking, as well as the reference description and geographic reference.

    To Point - Specify the to point for the ranking, as well as the reference description and geographic reference.

    The From Point and To Point fields can only be specified if the header equipment is linear.

  7. Click Submit.