Printing the ranking history chart - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Print the ranking history chart. The chart includes the condition index, risk priority index, and criticality index. The chart can be viewed by date or by usage.

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

  2. Select the equipment for which to view the ranking history, and then click the Ranking History Chart tab.

  3. Specify this information:

    Condition Index - Select this check box to include the condition index in the ranking history chart.

    Condition Index Type - Select the condition index type to include in the report.

    Risk Priority Index - Select this check box to include the risk priority index in the ranking history chart.

    Risk Priority Type - Select the risk priority index type to include in the report.

    Criticality Index - Select this check box to include the criticality index in the ranking history chart.

    Criticality Index Type - Select the criticality index type to include in the report.

    Usage Based - Select this check box to show the ranking history by usage instead of by date.

    Start Date and End Date - Specify the starting and ending dates for which to retrieve data.