Defining suppliers - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Define suppliers to create records for the suppliers in your supplier network.

Purchase Site and Service Provider indicate whether you can purchase materials and/or services from the supplier. If you clear Purchase Site, you cannot select the supplier for purchase orders for materials. Likewise, if you clear Service Provider, you cannot select the supplier for purchases for services or labor.

Additionally, you can specify minimum and maximum order values for the supplier to establish limits for purchasing from this supplier. You are prevented from creating purchase orders for the supplier if you exceed the specified maximum or fail to meet a minimum order value for purchasing materials or services.

  1. Select Materials > Setup > Suppliers.

  2. Click New Record.

  3. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization to which the supplier belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Supplier - Specify a unique code identifying the supplier , and then enter the supplier’s name in the adjacent field.

    Language - Select the supplier’s language.

    Currency - Specify the supplier’s currency.

    Class - Specify the class of the supplier. The classes shown belong to the COMP entity.

    Out of Service - Select to indicate that you no longer wish to use this supplier. If you select Out of Service, the system retains the record; however, it will no longer display the supplier in the lookups from which you select suppliers on any other forms within the system.

    Status - Specify a status to categorize the supplier by status. Define the status field for any purpose (for example, enter AC if the supplier is being actively used). The status is for your informational use only.

    iProcure Vendor - Specify the vendor to associate with the supplier for use with iProcure transactions.

    Account Number - Specify the supplier’s iProcure account number.

    Purchase Site - Select to indicate that you purchase goods from this supplier. Selecting Purchase Site inserts the supplier into the lookup from which you select suppliers on any other forms within the system. Unselect to indicate that the supplier is only for purchasing labor or services.

    Parent Supplier - Specify the parent company. Using the "Parent" attribute, you can indicate whether a supplier is part of a larger organization. Parent/child supplier relationships can be established for information only. Note: You cannot designate a supplier as a parent supplier if the supplier is already designated as a child in a supplier hierarchy. Additionally, a supplier cannot have multiple parent suppliers, nor can a supplier be a parent supplier to itself within a supplier hierarchy.

    Lead Time (Days) - Specify the average number of days the supplier needs to provide the ordered goods or services.

    Real-time Info - Select to indicate that the supplier provides real-time information for the items they supply via iProcure.

    Service Provider - Select to indicate that the supplier provides services. Clear the check box to indicate that the supplier is only for purchasing materials. If unselected, the supplier cannot be selected for purchasing or requisitioning labor.

    Min. Order Value - Specify the minimum order amount.

    FOB Point - Specify the supplier’s free on board shipping point.

    Ship Via - Specify the supplier’s method of shipping.

    Payment Method - Specify the supplier’s preferred method of payment.

    Max. Order Value - Specify the maximum order amount.

    Payment Terms - Specify the supplier’s payment terms.

    Freight Terms - Specify the supplier’s freight terms.

    Buyer - Specify the primary buyer for this supplier.

    Contact Name - Specify the primary supplier contact.

    Telephone, Fax Number - Specify the supplier’s phone and fax numbers.

    E-mail Address - Specify the supplier contact’s e-mail address.

    Our Contact - Specify the supplier’s primary contact for your organization, which is generally the corporate buyer.

    EDI Number - Specify the supplier’s electronic data interchange (EDI) number for processing electronic transaction information.

    Customer - Select to indicate the supplier is a customer. Selecting Customer inserts the supplier into the lookup from which you select customers on any other forms within the system. If Customer is unselected, the supplier cannot be selected for customer contracts or rentals.

    Customer Account Code - Specify the supplier's customer account code.

    Customer Cost Center - Specify the supplier's customer cost center.

    Tax Code - Specify the supplier's tax code.

  4. Click Save Record.