Viewing and modifying parts information - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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View and modify part information as necessary and specify revalued price information for parts.

You can change the default Price Type for a specific part and update the average, last, and standard pricing information for a part. However, you can only update Average price, Last price, and Standard price for parts if the PRICELEV installation parameter is set to P. Price Type defaults to the value specified for PRICETYP, but you can also update and specify default price types for individual parts as necessary.

When PRICELEV is S, prices are always set and updated on the Stores page of the Parts form. When PRICELEV is set to P, prices are set and updated on the Record View page of the Part form. However, if you are using multi-organization security (MOS) and PRICELEV is P, then part prices are set and updated on the Prices page of the Part form.

Revaluation of price information for parts is calculated either at the time of the approval of a receipt for a part or at the time of the approval of an invoice for a part, depending on the setting of the PRICETIM installation parameter. Part revaluation is also calculated according to the PRICETYP installation parameter, which specifies whether the system prices storeroom materials based on the average, last, or standard price.

Any update of price information specified for the average, last, or standard price for a part is copied to the base price of the part, which is the price of the part to be used as the basis for all transactions for the part.

When updating price information, the system does not record a stock transaction for a part if there is no quantity of the part on hand in store or if the updates do not affect the base price of the part.

Delete part records as necessary. However, you cannot delete a part record after any of the following:

  • It has been associated with a piece of equipment.

  • Parts have been recorded into stock.

  • The part has been used in a pick ticket.

  • The part is referenced by a purchase requisition.

  • Store transactions have been made against it.

  • The part has been allocated or reserved.

To view and modify part information:

  1. Select Materials > Parts.

  2. View the list of parts, and then double-click the row containing the part to view or modify.

  3. View and modify part information as necessary.

    Track by Asset can only be unselected when no asset or profile is associated with the part.

  4. Click Save Record.