Using this help - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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HxGN EAM Version

You can use this online help for instructions on how to operate the application. Use the sections below to understand the organization and conventions of our online help system.

Procedural help

The procedural topics provided will give you a greater understanding of the EAM application and how the system works.

Access procedural help topics by clicking the drop-down arrow on the left-hand side of any screen, and then selecting Help.

  • A new browser window is opened with a table of contents and a help topic shown.

  • Navigate to procedural help topics by expanding the table of contents or by performing a keyword search on the Search tab.

Page help

Page help is considered context-sensitive and is specific to each individual screen in the application.

You can access help for each page in the application by clicking the Help icon on the toolbar of that page.

  • A new browser window is opened that contains a description of the page, and a list of links to procedural help topics related to the page.

Default navigation screen menus

EAM is a scalable and highly configurable application which means screens can be moved to any location within your organization's default menu specifications by your system administrator. To find the default, out-of-the-box location of a screen in the EAM application, consult the tables in the Appendix.

If the screens listed are not in your menu, contact your system administrator to locate the screen navigation.

See Navigating default screen locations.