Design assumptions - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Integrating with Infor HMS

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  • Given ION will be the integration platform, a property as defined in HMS will align with the ION accounting entity.

  • The creation of a property in HMS will not create a property or organization in EAM. EAM must create a property in parallel to the HMS property. When a new Property is created in HMS, an EAM user must manually create the corresponding Property in EAM. The accounting entity for the EAM Property should be populated with the HMS property. The Enterprise Location for each BOD Group of the EAM property should also be set to the HMS property name.

  • Hotel Date and System Dates will be in sync for most of the day as EAM uses System Dates and HMS use Hotel Dates for processing.

  • HMS Work Orders can only be supported for Guest Rooms. HMS does not include functionality to create a work order for an event room nor can HMS track work orders for event rooms. EAM will transmit all work orders for Guest rooms and Event Rooms to HMS but in the current HMS 3.0 release, the work order messages for Event Room work orders will not be imported.

  • The initial release of this integration will not support multiple names on rooms or shares.

    • When a guest checks in a room (with multiple names or not, a share reservation or not), HMS will send EAM the SyncAsset Master with the name of the primary guest on the main reservation and the status of that guest, the email id and phone number along with the profile id. EAM will save this on the asset record. When the last guest checks out, HMS will send the SyncAsset Master again with these fields as null.

  • There are several codes that will be utilized in this integration representing Room Type (ROOM), Room Unit Type (UNIT), Maximum Guest Count Code (MGCT), Status (OBST), Salutation/Title (SLTN), Guest VIP Status (VIPS), Kitchen Type (KNTE) and Living Room Type (LIVN). All these codes have a maximum length of 4 characters in EAM. These same codes have a maximum length of 6 characters in HMS. For the July release of EAM, all these entities, excluding Maximum Guest Count, will have their ucode lengthened to 8 characters to accommodate the 6-character length in HMS.