Application configuration fields - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Integration Configuration

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Integration Configuration screen will be used to define and manage OAuth 2.0 protocol configuration connection details.

Application Name:

The application name associated to the configuration definition.

Current defined values for Application Name are EAM API, Flex Python, and ION API.

Grant Type:

Select the methodology the external application employs to grant access permission.

Current defined values for Grant Type are Authentication, Client Credentials, Password, Refresh Token, and Implicit.

Both the Application Name and Grant Type values are defined on the System Codes screen using the Setup Code Entity INTA. Application names are grouped using the System Code AN and Grant Types are grouped using the System Code GT. The system code entity INTA is restricted from user creation or deletion of code values.

With an Application Name selection of ION API, the Base URL, Client ID, Client Secret, and Client Authorization URL fields are all required. Otherwise, these fields are protected.

Base URL:

The consistent part or root of the external application web address.

Client ID:

Public identifier of the external application.

Client Secret:

The confidential identifier used for authentication known only to the OAuth application and the authorization server.

Client Authorization URL:

The URL to which requests are redirected after the authorization is complete.

The remaining fields in the Application Configuration section are optional.

Authorization Path:

Enter the endpoint URL for the API provider's authorization server.

Access Token Path:

Enter the provider's authentication server URL used to exchange an authorization code for an access token.

Revoke Token Path:

Enter the URL for the API provider's revocation endpoint.


Enter the permission that is set on the token to further define the type of protected resources that the connected application can access.


Enter the identifier of the Web API to be accessed.

User Name:

Enter the user ID credential for an access token.


Enter the user's password credential for an access token.

Active (check box):

Indicator the integration configuration is enabled.