Linear Condition tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Linear Equipment

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HxGN EAM Version

This tab is like the Linear References tab but is dedicated to the condition, risk and criticality of the segments represented here. The records on this tab are the same as linear reference records but the system uses a flag on the record (invisible to the user) to decide on which of these tabs to show the record.

Notable aspects on this tab in comparison to the Linear References tab include:

  • The Type field is omitted. The linear condition records are automatically associated to the "Point of Interest" type.

  • The Class field is omitted, but on the Linear Overview tab the system automatically uses Condition Index, Risk Priority Index and Criticality Index as additional classes when records on this tab exist with condition, risk or criticality data.

  • There is no Color or Icon field. Color and icon for these rows on the Linear Overview tab are configured on the Ranks tab of the Equipment Ranking screen. To be able to find these ranks the system will look on the Rankings tab and search for the Equipment Ranking of the same type. If found it will use the ranks from that Equipment Ranking. If none found, then the default color will be displayed as configured in the Linear Overview Preferences popup.

The Linear Condition tab has the following important attributes:

Field Name


Condition Score

You can manually assign a score or use Equipment Ranking to determine the score automatically.

Condition Index

System Codes entity OBRI. You can manually assign an index or use Equipment Ranking to determine the index automatically.

Risk Priority Score

See above under Condition Score.

Risk Priority Index

System Codes entity OBRI. See further above under Condition Index.

Criticality Score

See above under Condition Score.


System Codes entity OBCR. See further above under Condition Index.

If you are interested in calculating scores with equipment rankings, we recommend the HxGN EAM Equipment Rankings functional brief.