Map tab enhancements - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Mobile - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile Apps Release Notes for 12.0.1

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HxGN EAM Version

Address functionality for locations

Changes have been made to the map tab Equipment and work order in the process by which the address is displayed.

On the Equipment > Map tab:

Current behavior: We only show the physical address as per the Equipment > Addresses tab, and/or the X-Y coordinate. (The pin will be dropped on the X-Y coordinates if both are specified)

New behavior: If no data exists on Equipment > Addresses tab, then, the system will check to see if there is a parent Location of the selected Equipment, (For Asset/System/Position, check the Location field, and for Location check the Parent Location field). If one does exist, then the system will display the parents’ address.

On the Work Order > Map tab:

Current behavior: We only show the physical address as per the Equipment > Addresses tab of the WO header equipment, and/or the X-Y coordinate of the equipment.

New behavior: Also show the following (in order of preference, if the above address is not found):

1. Work Order address – i.e., address specified on the Work Order > Addresses tab

2. Parent location of the header equipment address (i.e., see above Equipment > Map tab behavior)

For all the above scenarios where an ‘Invalid’ address exists, the system will display the invalid address, along with an icon next to the address, indicating its invalid. No pin will be dropped since this address is invalid.

Expanded capability of GPSLSINT to capture Z coordinate

GPSLSINT is used by digital work to actively capture the X-Y coordinates of the device’s location and sent back to the server periodically (set as per GPSLSINT). Now the capability has been expanded to capture the Z coordinate as well.