Setting up mobile devices - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Mobile

HxGN EAM Mobile User

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HxGN EAM Version

Device licensing is based on the device licensing model. Both named and concurrent licensing is no longer used. A record identifying each device must exist in the Mobile Devices table or a connection will not be allowed.

Create mobile devices within HxGN EAM using the Mobile Devices form. Specify a number of devices up to the amount of licenses purchased.

HxGN EAM Mobile creates mobile device records automatically when an attempt is made by the mobile device to connect to the HxGN EAM server and the corresponding device does not already exist in the Mobile Devices table. The device will be marked as "out of service" if the number of "in service" devices exceeds the licenses available.

The current HxGN EAM Mobile logged in user needs to have the interface permission for the BEDEVS function to grant the access for the web service. The BEDEVS function permission is not required for a user to use HxGN EAM. When all of the mobile devices are already set up by an administrator on the HxGN EAM server, any future HxGN EAM Mobile users utilizing the device do not require that permission.

To set up mobile devices:

  1. Start HxGN EAM.

  2. Open the Mobile Devices form.

  3. Click New Record.

  4. Specify this information:

    Mobile Device - Specify a description of the mobile device in the adjacent field.

    Device Key - Specify the unique key code identifying the device. When manually creating Mobile Device records, this information can be found by clicking Device Key on the HxGN EAM Mobile login screen.

    Type - Select the device type.

  5. Select the Out of Service check box to indicate the mobile device is out of service.

  6. Click Save.