Equipment screens | Nonconformities tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Nonconformities

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

This list only tab shows all nonconformities attached to the equipment or any of the children of that equipment. Double clicking a record will hyperlink to the selected nonconformity. This screen also offers a second hyperlink field called View Observation that will behave similarly but is pre-programmed to launch the Nonconformity Observations screen and only select the one specific observation that was selected.

This screen shows both header nonconformity data as well as observation data. You can use the Source Type field to separate the two types of records. Nonconformity records will not show any observation data (fields remain blank), but observation records will show the current values from the nonconformity header as well, like equipment, type and class for example.

Hyperlink results are subject to the selected Dataspy or the default Dataspy of the user. Records therefore may not always show as expected. Hyperlinks can be configured with Screen Designer.