Organization options - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Optimized WO Sequence

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

DDOSSR (Dynamic Dispatching Optimized Scheduling Setup Record) – If this value is populated for any of the mobile user’s WO organizations, the system may limit the WO activities displayed on the map. The WO activities displayed in based on the dynamic dispatching details specified on the Dispatch Setup record for the mobile user’s crew/employee organization. The following options for displaying WO activities are available:

  • Display a full shift of dispatched WO activities (i.e., all dispatched WO activities will display in this case).

  • Display the entered number of dispatched WO activities. The intent of this parameter is to only show the number of activities specified here to the mobile user. The system will start with the WO activity with the lowest dispatch Sequence (i.e., these should be done first) and work its way up until the number specified in this option is displayed. For example, if 2 is entered in this option and 10 activities are dispatched to the employe, they will only see activities whose dispatch Sequence is 1 and 2. After completing the Sequence 1activity, the system will now display activities whose dispatch Sequence is 2 and 3, and so on.

  • Display entered number of activity minutes. Instead of choosing to display a set number of WO activities (i.e., 2, 5, etc.), limiting activities to be displayed can be done based on the Hours Remaining for these activities. The system will the display the number of WO activities whose sum of their activity Hours Remaining (in minutes) is <= the number of minutes entered for the dispatching option. For example, if 120 is entered, the system will display enough WO activities to account for 120 minutes or less (i.e., 2 hours or less) of work. If 120 minutes completely includes activity sequences 1 and 2 and partially includes activity sequence 3, the system will display the first 2 activities, starting with the lowest sequence to the user.

  • If dynamic dispatching is enabled, the administrator may choose to only show the user their next 2 activities because before they get to the 3rd activity the dynamic dispatching process may dispatch a new activity to them that changes the activities, or sequence, previously dispatched. So, there is no point showing an entire shifts worth of activities if that list is likely to change 1 or more times during their shift.

  • Once a crew/employee starts (i.e., activity Start button) or completes a dispatched activity, the dynamic dispatching process does NOT change the dispatched crew/employee or Sequence of these activities.

  • Started activities are considered when determining how many WO activities to display based on this option. Completed WO activities are NOT considered.

  • It is possible for the dynamic dispatching options configured on the Dispatch Setup record to be overridden for the specific crew/employee. Dynamic Dispatching must be enabled on the Dispatch Setup record and the record must be ‘active’ to be able to override the options for a crew/employee.

  • See the HxGN EAM Optimized Scheduler Dispatching brief for details on dynamic dispatching.