Pie Chart widgets show the results of a database select statement. These select statement are defined on the Queries screen in HxGN EAM and do require knowledge of both the EAM database and the SQL language. Make sure that you select the Normal check box for these queries otherwise they will not show in the lookup when you configure the widget on your overview.
Pie Chart queries must return two columns. The first column defines the pie slice. The second column must be numeric and determines the size of the slice.
Pie Chart widgets are equipment sensitive. You can use the :OBJECT and :OBJECTORG parameters in the WHERE clause of your query. Or use :ORG to make the widget organization sensitive for the Organization Overview 360 screen.
For some sample queries to get you started see later in this document.
Instead of a query it is also possible to use a grid. After all, grids are also select statements. The grids can be defined on the Grid Designer screen. The user defined grid must be of Grid Type:
List View - Please note that list view grids only support system parameters. That means these grids do not support the equipment sensitivity described above.
Tab - For tabs an additional requirement is that the parent screen is one of the equipment screens (Assets, Positions, Systems, or Locations) or a clone of any of these. These tab grids do support the equipment sensitivity. Just make sure you use the following parameters in the WHERE Clause of your grid:
Also note that the user defined grids must be accessible to the user. List views must be on the menu and tabs must be available from the parent screen.
When you select a grid, you must also select a Dataspy. Make sure the Dataspy satisfies the same criteria as the query. For a Pie Chart the Dataspy must return two columns where the first column defines the pie slice and the second column the size of the slice.
For the Organization Overview 360 screen you can only use List View grids. No tab grids are supported. And remember that list view grids only support system parameters, meaning no organization sensitivity support either.