Pie Chart widget - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Overview 360

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HxGN EAM Version

Select a Query Code from the list. The system will default the Widget Title from the Description of the selected query, but you can overwrite this with a personalized title if you prefer.

Instead of a Query Code it is also possible to use a grid. Select a Grid Name and then a Dataspy.

Note that queries and Dataspies do not have an indicator for which widget they are applicable. So, make sure that you pick a query or Dataspy that is compatible with a pie chart.

The colors used on this widget are controlled by the setting of the 360COLOR install parameter. Note that this parameter is not pre-delivered, but if you want to experiment with colors feel free to add it. See https://nivo.rocks/guides/colors for a list of color schemes. If the parameter is not found or left empty, the system will use the nivo color scheme. Good other options are category10, dark2, set1, paired, or spectral.