Equipment Summary widget - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Overview 360

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Equipment Summary widget will show you a list of equipment based on the selected Screen Name and Dataspy. Any of the equipment screens or a clone of these can be selected. The widget will show data based on the selected layout of the Dataspy. The first six fields will be displayed. This list of six is excluding the Description, which can be located at any position in the Dataspy. This list is also excluding the Equipment Code and Organization which do not even have to be in the Dataspy.

You can also opt to show the Profile Picture or the Image URL of the equipment. Make sure that when you make these selections that the selected Dataspy includes the selected image field. It does not count towards the six fields, and it does not matter where you locate it in the Dataspy.

Optionally enter a widget title. Otherwise, the system will display the default title.

Searching can be done on any of the displayed values. Just enter a string in the Search field and hit Enter or the Search icon. Searching is case insensitive but only works on text fields, not on dates, numbers, or checkboxes.

Clicking a row in the grid will update the selected Equipment on the Equipment Overview 360 screen and therefore will impact all equipment sensitive widgets.

Clicking on the Equipment Code will hyperlink to the selected Screen Name.

This widget can be used on the Organization Overview 360 screen, but equipment selection plays no role here.