Selecting equipment or organization - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Overview 360

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HxGN EAM Version

On the Equipment Overview 360 screen click the Select Equipment button in the top of the overview screen to select an equipment. If you change the equipment the widgets that are equipment sensitive and that are configured properly will automatically be refreshed and show the equipment related data.

The button will show the Equipment Code, Organization and Description, if equipment is currently selected.

Changing equipment can also be done on the Equipment Summary widget. Select a row on that widget and the selected Equipment will change. Which again will impact all other equipment sensitive widgets.

On the Organization Overview 360 screen click the Select Organization button in the top of the overview screen to select an organization. If you change the organization the widgets that are organization sensitive and that are configured properly will automatically be refreshed and show the organization related data. Note that the button will show the Organization and Description, if an organization is currently selected.