This query will return the number of work orders per work order type for all equipment or for the selected equipment for the last 12 full months plus the current month.
SELECT des_text, COUNT(*)
FROM r5events, r5descriptions
WHERE des_code = evt_jobtype
AND des_rtype = 'JBTP'
AND des_rentity = 'UCOD'
AND des_lang = 'EN'
AND evt_rtype IN ( 'JOB', 'PPM' )
AND evt_reported >= ADD_MONTHS( LAST_DAY( TRUNC( SYSDATE ) ) + 1, - 13 )
AND evt_object LIKE COALESCE( :OBJECT , '%' )
AND evt_object_org LIKE COALESCE( :OBJECTORG , '%' )
GROUP BY des_text