As indicated above, all query examples listed in this brief are based on the Oracle database.
Below are some SQL Server examples to select or format a date that would work with above examples.
First day of the current month, but for last year
DATEADD( month, -13, dbo.F_LAST_DAY( GETDATE() ) + 1 )
First day of the month three months ago
DATEADD( month, -4, dbo.F_LAST_DAY( GETDATE() ) + 1 )
First day of the current month
DATEADD( month, -1, dbo.F_LAST_DAY( GETDATE() ) + 1 )
First day of the year two years ago
DATEADD( year, -2, DATEADD( year, DATEDIFF( year, 0, GETDATE() ), 0 ) )
Year of the current date
FORMAT( GETDATE(), 'yyyy' )
Year and month of the current date
FORMAT( GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM' )