Potential errors - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

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Returning blanks should be avoided. For example, the following query


evo_labor, evo_material

FROM r5events, r5eventcost

WHERE evt_code = evo_event


May return rows where evo_labor or evo_material is blank. The List Graph will show the following incorrect result if blanks are returned.

To avoid this, make sure no blanks are returned and add the following to the where clause:

AND evo_labor IS NOT NULL

AND evo_material IS NOT NULL

The List Graph will then show much better:

The x-axis on the line chart widget is linear. It will handle dates and numbers as expected, but results may be confusing if you report them by month, if the month is selected as a number (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (evt_completed,'YYYYMM')) as "Month"), for example 202010, 202011, 202012, and then 202101. The system will try and insert 202013, 202014, etc. before the 202101. The resulting chart therefore may look skewed as follows:

Much better results will be reported if you make the moth a character field (TO_CHAR (evt_completed,'YYYY-MM') as "Month"). Using the same data as above it will now look as follows: