Report widget - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Overview 360

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HxGN EAM Version

The Report widget allows the selection of a Cognos reports. Some standard HxGN EAM reports are available for selection, but these reports are not specifically designed for this overview and therefore likely will not be showing as expected. But you can give them a try. More likely you will create your own report that is dedicated to the use on the overview screen. The requirements are like those for reports you put on the HxGN EAM menu and the report must be HTML. Additionally make sure it has the following parameters:

  • SEL_OBJ (Type = Character, Length = 30, and a Custom Label)

  • SEL_ORG (Type = Character, Length = 15, and a Custom Label)

  • R5_OUTPUTFORMAT (Type = Character, Length = 4, Parameter Default is HTML)

And keep the Mandatory check box unselected for all these.

Whether you use the SEL_OBJ and SEL_ORG parameters in your report or not is up to you. If you do we recommend using WHERE <field name> LIKE COALESCE ( SEL_OBJ , ‘%’ ) so that the report returns equipment specific data if equipment is selected or otherwise returns data for all equipment. Same can be used for the SEL_ORG parameter. If the report does not use the parameters or you have no need for them, they still must be defined on the Parameters tab of the Reports screen because otherwise, the report will not appear on the list.

For the Organization Overview 360 screen only the SEL_ORG parameter must be present.