This widget lets you select any URL that is configured as a custom tab on any of the EAM screens. Go to the Screens screen and select the screen you want to add a custom tab to. Then on the Custom Tabs tab add an entry where Type is HTML and fill in the URL.
If the URL displays good on the screen that you added it to, it should display on the Custom URL widget. Note the size of the custom tab is usually more generous than the widget depending on the layout you have chosen for your overview. So please consider the overview layout you are selecting, for example Single Wide, Double Wide, etc., as well as the height of the widget. You can specify a height up to a maximum of 600 pixels for the widget to accommodate the URL. The minimum and default height of the widget is 300 pixels.
The widget supports two parameters, with which it becomes equipment sensitive, providing the URL supports this. You can use the following parameters in the URL:
The Custom URL widget also has native support for two OpenCAD URLs. Both these URLs are equipment sensitive without the need of the before mentioned parameters.
The following OpenCAD URLs are supported:
The OpenCAD SVG URL can be configured using :appurl/eamdwg/DEPLOY_OCADSVG.jsp?user=:user&org=:org
OpenCAD BIM URL can be configured using :appurl/eamdwg/DEPLOY_OCADBIM.jsp?user=:user&org=:org
Specific OpenCAD configuration is required for these URLs to work. This configuration is not discussed in this brief and must be handled separately.
On the Organization Overview 360 screen only the organization parameter will be used.