Adding stores for condition tracked parts - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Part Conditions

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Associating stores to condition tracked parts can be done from the parent part (i.e., add, modify, or delete stores for any child part) or directly from the child part.

If adding stores while on the parent part users will have the ability to add stores to any, or all, of the associated part conditions (i.e., child parts). This is accomplished by selecting the Condition (i.e., child part) for which the Store applies. Condition is a required field when a condition tracked parent part is selected on record view. The lookup shows all conditions associated to the part condition template related to the selected part.

In the screenshot below a stock record is being created from the parent part for the MS store (Main Store) and part condition USED-25 (25% life remaining). When this record is saved the system creates the stock record for the MS store against part 44A165-D because this is the child part that represents the USED-25-part condition (i.e., the stock record is NOT created for the parent part). If part 44A165-D is, then selected in the list and the Store tab clicked you will see the stock record just created.

If the parent part is selected, note from the figure below that stock records for all part conditions are visible in the grid. These records can be modified or deleted from the parent part as well. No store information is stored directly on the parent part.

To make it more obvious that each stock record on this tab can potentially be associated to a part other than the header part (if parent part is selected) the Part & Part Org. fields have been added to this tab. They are always protected and will always display the header part and part organization unless the header part is a parent part. In this case Part & Part Org. on the Stock tab will display the part associated to the Condition on the stock record (i.e., Part & Part Org. will be different than the header part and organization). Part & Part Org. are delivered as hidden fields since we expect the value to match that of the header part in most cases.

If all part conditions will be in the same store, you can create stock records for all conditions when saving a single stock record. Remember that the * condition that is created by the system for all part condition templates. If the * condition is selected (see the image below) when creating a stock record while on a parent part the system will create the stock record against ALL child parts simultaneously. If some data needs to be changed for child part stock records simply select the corresponding stock record in the grid and update the necessary data.

The * Condition is only available on the Stores and Stock tab for Parts.

In most cases the New condition part will be the only part condition ordered from suppliers. However, you may still want to setup your reorder information so that the quantity on hand for one or more other part conditions is considered when the system determines whether to generate part requisitions for the New part. The Conditions to Include in Reorder field can be used for this purpose. In the example in the screenshot below you may want to select the stock record for the New condition parts. Once you have established the Stock Method, Preferred Supplier, and other fields related to automatic requisition generation you may want to list conditions USED-75% and USED-50% as conditions for the requisition generation process to consider before generating requisitions for the New condition part.

  • Only Qty. on Hand is considered for the parts listed in this field (i.e., existing store to store requisition quantity, etc. is not considered).

  • Conditions to Include in Reorder field is protected in insert mode if * condition is selected.

When creating or viewing stock records directly on a child part the Condition field will be protected and populated with the condition for the child part. Stock records for child parts can be updated from the child part just as they can be managed from the parent part.

Because the valid values for Primary Manufacturer and Primary Manufacturer Part Number are normally based on the selected part (i.e., record view part for non-condition tracked parts) a change has been made to base these fields on the new Part/Part Org. fields on the Stock tab. This is necessary because you can have a parent part selected on record view, but entering/updating data related to child parts on the Stock tab.