In a distributed installation environment, apply this patch first to each content
manager, then apply this patch to each report server, and finally apply this patch
to each web server.
Log all users out of the application.
Ensure you are logged in as the same user that installed HxGN EAM.
Stop the HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting services.
Ensure that a proper backup of the HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting installation is available, in the event any problems arise during the patch process.
Copy the patch file EAM1211ADVRPTPATCH1.exe to a temporary folder like c:\temp.
Double-click to execute the self-extractor file.
Select Unzip to create and unzip files to an EAM1211ADVRPTPATCH1 folder.
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and change the directory to EAM1211ADVRPTPATCH1.
Set the variable REPSRV_HOME to the location where HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting is installed.
Apply the patch by executing this command at the prompt substituting a value for {logging_level}: patch.bat {logging_level}.
The brackets on logging_level denote that this value is optional.
The default value for {logging_level} is info.
The available logging levels are as follows from least to greatest: error warn info verbose debug
Browse to the depconfig directory and execute this command at the prompt: deploy bat.
HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting and services should now be up.
Running deploy.bat will automatically start the HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting services.