Equipment screens - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon


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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The following important attributes relate to RCM and can be found in the RCM Details section of the Assets, Positions, Systems, and Locations screens:

  1. RCM Level - Select Risk Assessment, Risk Analysis or FMECA. The assessment is less detailed and is typically performed on equipment and locations that can be found on the higher nodes in the equipment hierarchy. Assessments are often performed on locations or production lines and then represent all equipment (children) part of that location or production line. An analysis is often performed on equipment lower in the hierarchy and often only after an assessment on higher level has indicated higher Risk Levels.
    It is possible to change between Risk Assessment, Risk Analysis and FMECA, but it depends on the data already present on the RCM tab.

    • If you entered no data yet, the change is obviously no problem.

    • If you have done a Risk Assessment already and want to change that to a Risk Analysis, the system will let you do that as well. Make sure that after the change you go to the RCM tab to refresh the Risk Level and Risk Priority Number and to add the necessary Failure Modes. The RCM tab will still show the same Functions, Functional Failures, and Consequences. Note that the Functional Failures still show the previously selected Probability as well. The system will only clear these if you update the Functional Failure. Regardless, the system will not use the Probability defined on the Functional Failures when determining the Risk Priority Number and Risk Level in case of a Risk Analysis. It will use the Probability defined on the Failure Modes instead.

    • Once you have done a Risk Analysis you cannot return to a Risk Assessment until you delete all the Failure Modes from the RCM tab first.

    • A FMECA structure is like a Risk Assessment, but rather than functional failures for a function you will associate failure modes. Once these are defined it is not possible to select any of the other two options.

      The remaining fields in the RCM Details section are all determined by the data entered on the RCM tab and are therefore all protected.

  2. Risk Level - The Risk Level from the matrix that matches the Risk Priority Number.

  3. Risk Priority Number - The highest risk priority number from the RCM tab. Risk priority is calculated by multiplying the probability rating with the consequence severity.

    Risk Level and Risk Priority Number both consider mitigation. If any RCM failure mitigation records exist for the equipment or location, and these mitigation records are active, i.e. mitigation is applied, then the lowest probability rating of any of these active mitigation records will be used to calculate the Risk Priority Number and the corresponding Risk Level. Mitigation records that are not active are not considered.

    For easy comparison and verification of the effect of the mitigation, the original values without mitigation will still be displayed in the Unmitigated Risk Priority Number and the Unmitigated Risk Level.

  4. Risk Consequence Cost - The consequence cost entered on the consequence category that determined the Risk Priority Number. If multiple consequence category records all resulted in the same Risk Priority Number, the system will display the highest consequence cost from all these records.

  5. Failure Probability % - The probability % entered on the functional failure or failure mode that determined the Risk Priority Number. If multiple records all resulted in the same Risk Priority Number, the system will display the value from the combination that determined the Risk Consequence Cost.

  6. Black Swan - Selected if one or more probabilities and associated consequences are entered on the RCM tab and both have the Black Swan checkbox selected. Because of the low probability, these high consequence events usually do not determine the Risk Priority Number and therefore are overlooked and not identified on the header.

  7. Black Swan Cost - If a black swan is identified on the RCM tab this field will show the consequence cost of that black swan. For a black swan to show both the selected probability and associated consequence cost must have black swan selected.