Risk Matrix - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon


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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Risk Matrix report shows the setup of the Risk Matrix. Important report parameters:

  1. Organization - Leave blank for all. Supports wildcards if "Include Children" is not checked.

  2. RCM Project - Enter the RCM Project.

  3. Consequence Category - Enter the Consequence Category.

  4. Probability - You can leave this field blank and all Probabilities of the project will be included. Alternatively, you can select one or more Probabilities if you are interested in specific values.

  5. Consequence - Like the Probability, but for the Consequences of the selected Consequence Category.

  6. Equipment - Leave blank for all. Supports wildcards if "Include Children" is not checked.

  7. Include Children - The report will include the children of the select Equipment. For example, if you report on a production line all assessments and analysis from children will be included.

  8. Show Equipment - If selected, each cell of the matrix will display the number of functional failures with that Probability and Consequence for the equipment included in the selection.

  9. Show Failure Modes - If selected, each cell of the matrix will display the number of Failure Modes with that Probability and Consequence for the equipment included in the selection. Consequence here is derived from the Functional Failure attached to the Failure Mode. Note that there can be multiple Functional Failures per Failure Mode.

  10. Show Legend - Displays Risk Levels and associated Thresholds, if selected.