SG-4712 CLONE - Generate Requisitions | Parts Preview - Parts created after we changed Part Condition do not show up here - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 12.0.1

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Release Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version


Some parts do not show on the Parts Preview although the have stock levels below are below the level setup.

The parts that do not show are parts created from an existing Part Condition. We created a Part condition template a while ago (2 conditions) and 2 parts were generated. We’ve setup the Stores and Stock tab of those parts and they show up on the Parts preview tab when we try to generate requisitions. This works fine. Now a month later we added 2 new conditions to this same template. 2 new parts were created and we did the same setup in Stores and Stock tab. We now try to generate requisitions again and we were expecting the 4 parts there in Parts Preview. It only showed the 2 first part records created through the condition. The system does not recognize the parts created later on through the Part Condition Template.

Steps to reproduce (also check attached document)

* Create a Part Condition Template (MOTEUR1) with 2 conditions N and R

* 2 parts automatically get created - MOTEUR1-N and MOTEUR1-R

* Go to Parts screen for MOTEUR1-N and open Stores tab and enter

Store 1 – enter any pref supplier - Method min/max with min qty 2 and max qty 5 – on Stock tab enter qty 0

Store 2 – enter Store 1 as pref. store - Method min/max with min qty 2 and max qty 5 – on Stock tab enter qty 0

* Do the same for MOTEUR1-R

* Go to Generate Requisitions screen and the parts show up fine for Generate Parts requisitions and Generate Store to Store requisitions

* Go back to the Part Condition MOTEUR1 and add 2 new conditions A and E

* 2 new parts automatically get generated MOTEUR1-A and MOTEUR1-E

* Go to Parts screen for MOTEUR1-A and open Stores tab and enter

Store 1 – enter any pref supplier - Method min/max with min qty 2 and max qty 5 – on Stock tab enter qty 0

Store 2 – enter Store 1 as pref. store - Method min/max with min qty 2 and max qty 5 – on Stock tab enter qty 0

* Do the same for MOTEUR1-E

* Go to Generate Requisitions screen and you’ll see that only parts MOTEUR1-N and MOTEUR1-R show up and not the parts that were created after we added some conditions

Expected Result - 4 parts should show on the Parts Preview tab