SG-4579 Store-to-Store Receipts- Unable to receive remaining un-received Transit Qty - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 12.0.1

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# Go to Store to Store Requisitions, create a new one

# Go to the Parts tab, add one with a Quantity of 80 and approve it

# Go to Store to Store Issues

# Create a new one, add the requisition just created

# Go to Parts. Click on Actions | Retrieve Parts, in Issue Qty, change it for 160

# Approve it

# Go to Store to Stores Receipts, create a new one

# Add the Requisition created

# Go to Parts click on Action | Retrieve Parts

10. Change the receipt Qty for 130 and Approve it

11. Create a new receipt try to add the Requisition number to receive the remaining parts

Actual Results: The Requisition does not appear thus, the part can’t be selected in the Parts tab

Expected Results: See the requisition as there are still parts in Transit.