SG-1824 Physical Inventory | Parts - on 'All Parts' dataspy failed to add advanced filter "physicalquantity <> expectedquantity" - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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SG-1824 Physical Inventory | Parts - on 'All Parts' dataspy failed to add advanced filter "physicalquantity <> expectedquantity"


Before upgraded to current 11.7.1, user can add advanced filter "physicalquantity <> expectedquantity" into the ‘Where Claud’ area of the advanced tab of ‘All Parts’ dataspy of Parts tab of the Physical Inventory screen, but after upgraded to 11.7.1, this advanced filter failed with error "The SQL Statement is invalid: ORA-00904: "EXPECTEDQUANTITY": invalid identifier."

# open Physical Incentory screen, locate on a Physical Incentory record;

# click into Parts tab, click to edit the defalt dataspy 'All Parts';

# click itno 'Advanced' tab, then enter "physicalquantity <> expectedquantity" into Where Clause, click 'Run'

Expected result: return all part lines with 'Physical Qty.' <> 'Expected Qty.'

Actual result: return error "The SQL Statement is invalid: ORA-00904: "EXPECTEDQUANTITY": invalid identifier."