EAM-54877 CLONE - Print Pick Ticket - Inaccurate data on the report when parts listed on a picket ticket contain zero Quantity on Hand. - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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EAM-54877 CLONE - Print Pick Ticket - Inaccurate data on the report when parts listed on a picket ticket contain zero Quantity on Hand.


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create Pick Ticket header.

2. Go to Parts tab and start adding parts to the pick ticket.

3. Add a part to a pick ticket that has zero Quantity on Hand.

4. Approve Pick Ticket.

5. Print Pick Ticket and you will get a message on the report - no records returned. Nothing more.

There is more. EAM appears to add the parts to a pick ticktet alphabetically.

1. If a pick ticket only has 1 part listed ant the Qty on Hand is zero - No Records Returned

2. If a pick ticket only has 2 parts listed ant the first part Qty on Hand is zero, and the 2nd part Qty is 1 - it will only show the 2nd part on the pick ticket and not the first.

3. If a pick ticket only has 2 part listed and the first part have Qty on Hand is greater then zero and the 2nd part Qty on Hand is zero, it will show both parts.

Strangely it will show this. If there are 8 parts. labeled Part A, Part B, Part C and so on with the following quantity.

Part A Qty on Hand zero

Part B Qty on Hand zero

Part C Qty on Hand 10

Part D Qty on Hand zero

Part E Qty on Hand 18

Part F Qty on Hand zero

Part G Qty on Hand zero

Part H Qty on Hand zero

The Pick Ticket will only show this. Anything that had a quantity greater then zero and anything after the last part which had quantity on hand. Notice that it does not include Part D which had a quantity of zero, but falls between Part C and E which does. It only adds parts that have a quantity of zero which come after Part E because Part E is the last part that had a quantity greater then zero (18 in this case).

Part C Qty on Hand 10

Part E Qty on Hand 18

Part F Qty on Hand zero

Part G Qty on Hand zero

Part H Qty on Hand zero

Actual Results: missing data when parts on a pick ticket have quantity on hand of zero.

Expected Results: include all parts on a pick ticket when any part on that ticket had a quantity on hand of zero.

EAM-54892 CLONE - EAM-to-EAM Sync - Inbound PurchaseOrder BOD fails with 'The Purchase Qty. (UOP) and the Requested Qty. (UOM) have the same unit of measure' message