EAM-53852 Datalake - xxx_lastupdate solumn for normal inserts and updates uses local time while deletes uses UTC time when uploaded from EAM. - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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EAM-53852 Datalake - xxx_lastupdate solumn for normal inserts and updates uses local time while deletes uses UTC time when uploaded from EAM.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Create datalake schedule and add table(s) for uploads to Datalake. Use R5BINSTOCK in this example.

2. Go the Part screen | Stock tab.

3. Either manually add a store/bin/lot and quantity to a Part or update the quantiy of an existing Bin.

4. Note the local time stamp on your computer.

5. Same Part screen | Stock tab. To perform a Delete, update the quantity of an existing Bin to zero. Now delete the Bin.

6. Note the local time stamp on your computer.

7. Log into IONDESK | Datalake | Compass and select R5BINSTOCK

8. Run the query SELECT SELECT(Include Deleted Rows) using the query below to get the latest updates to this table:

Actual Results: Time stamps from EAM for inserts and updates of existing rows use the loacl time stamp while deletes use Z time despite the "z" that is added to the end of each time stamp.

Expected Results: Consistent z time stamps for all rows submitted from EAM to Datalake. In the past, it looks like all inserts and updates did actually use z time/utc time.