SG-2553 Purchase Order | Parts - Total Tax Amount and Part Line Total are not calculated when Default Tax Code 2 field has a default tax code when the part is picked from the Supplier catalogue. - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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SG-2553 Purchase Order | Parts - Total Tax Amount and Part Line Total are not calculated when Default Tax Code 2 field has a default tax code when the part is picked from the Supplier catalogue.


# Create Tax Rate GST of 5%.

# Create Tax Rate PST of 7%.

# Create Tax Code SGST to use the 5% GST Tax Rate.

# Create Tax Code SPST to use the 7% PST Tax Rate.

# Create Part MIAB 003 TAX CODE PART and associate the SGST Tax Code which was 5% to this new part at the Record View.

# Create a Supplier Price for this part. In this example the Supplier is called MIAB B and the price is $5000.00

# On the Purchase Order screen, Parts tab use Screen Designer to make the Tax Code 2 default value of SPST so that it will use the 7% in its calculation and make this field Protected.

# Create PO for this part. When you first go to the Parts tab the SPST code is visible for Tax Code 2 but protected, like it should.

# Add your part (MIAB 003 TAX CODE PART) to the PO line but do not commit yet. The SGST Tax (which was previously set to 5%) is automatically added to Tax Code for this part as it should, but also at this time and before you commit, the Total Tax Amount field and Part Line Total field only take into consideration what is in the first Tax Code field of SGST, but not what is in the Tax Code 2 field which is SPST or 7%. At this time the Total Tax Amount field is curently calculated at $250.00 (Which is 5000 x .05 = 250.)

10. And if you commit the record at this time, only the SGST 5% Tax Code is part of the calculation. Tax Code 2 using the default tax of SPST of 7% is not.

11. Now, going back to step 9, if you change this price here from its default of $5000.00 before you commit to anything different to something like $6000.00 or $5001.00, then Tax Code 2 of SPST 7% is now also calculated at the line level in addition to the 5% Tax Code.

Side Note. if I pick a part which is not coming in from the Supplier Catalog, it will take the 5% and the 7% automatically which is expected.

Actual: Tax Code 2 is not calculated when picking a part from the Supplier catalogue during creation or commit.

Expected: Tax Code 2 is calculated when picking a part from the Supplier catalogue.