SG-1720 CLONE - ION - PurchaseOrder Outbound ContractReference is EAM contract number NOT one provided in Contract inbound BOD - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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SG-1720 CLONE - ION - PurchaseOrder Outbound ContractReference is EAM contract number NOT one provided in Contract inbound BOD


# Submit SyncContract BOD with a non-sequence ContractHeader/DocumentID/ID to EAM creating a new contract. Once created add any needed info on the Order Discounts tab and approve the contract

# Create a PO for the contract supplier and currency. The contract should auto-populate

# Approve the PO

*Actual Results:*

PurchaseOrder BOD is sent from EAM and the value for ContractReference is the EAM contract number

*Expected Results:*

PurchaseOrder BOD is sent from EAM and the value for ContractReference is the value from R5ENTITYATTRIBUTESETS.ESE_VALUE1