SG-3767 CLONE - PM Schedules | Equipment - dormant period in the past not working correctly - HxGN EAM - - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-3767 CLONE - PM Schedules | Equipment - dormant period in the past not working correctly


Consider the following example to explain the problem

* Create a Fixed PM schedule (frequency 1 month).

* On the equipment tab pick any piece of equipment enter todays date as due date (24/10/2022) and enter as Dormant start date 01/10/2022 and dormant end date 31/10/2022, also check the reuse dormant period checkbox.

* Upon saving, the due date will automatically change to 24/11/2022 which is correct.

* It goes wrong if you pick dormant period in the past with Reuse checkbox checked :

* create the same fixed PM schedule, with same due date but change dormant start date to 01/10/2021 and dormant end date 31/10/2021 (1 year earlier) and check reuse dormant period.

* Upon saving work order gets generated the 24/10/2022. This should be 24/11/2022 as the dormant period should be reused.

Steps to reproduce

* create PM schedule, type fixed, frequency 1 month

* Equipment tab - make dormant start, end date and reuse checkbox visible if not already

* select any equipment and enter Dormant start date - 01/10/2021, dormant end date 31/10/2021 check reuse checkbox, enter due date 24/10/2022.

Actual Results : Check on work orders tab that an awaiting work order is created with due date 24/10/2022.

Expected Result : due date of the work order should be 24/11/2022