Linux platform - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM to EAM Synchronization

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  1. Open a command prompt (as root user if possible)

  2. Unzip the Infor Sync Utility package to a directory on the machine; the unzip location selected will be referenced as <INSTALL_HOME> for this guideline.

  3. Navigate to <INSTALL_HOME>

  4. Execute the following command: chmod +x

  5. Execute the following command (where <APP_HOME> is the desired installation destination): ./ <APP_HOME>

    Example: ./ /home/user/sync-util

    • Always use a forward slash as the file separator

    • Never use a trailing forward slash when specifying <APP_HOME>

    • Optional argument which can be passed - uninstall - this will delete the current <APP_HOME> directory completely before installing

  6. Navigate to <APP_HOME>/file-sync-app and open the file app.xml

  7. Edit app.xml as indicated (See the configuration guideline for more detail about this file).

  8. Once the configuration is complete and verified, navigate to <APP_HOME> execute the following command : ./service start

    • You can also run ./service stop and ./service restart.

    • Due to the major differences in how each Linux distribution works, for now the system administrator will determine to automate the service script execution if they don’t perform this step manually (as on system startup).