Format annotations in a markup layer - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can format existing annotations in a markup layer.

  1. Select a markup layer from the Markup Layers Manager panel, and click Edit .

  2. Click an annotation in the markup layer.

  3. Select an option from the toolbar:

    Click this

    To do this

    PDFTronComment Comment

    Add a comment to the annotation.

    PDFTronStyle Style

    Change the annotation style, such as color fill or line style.

    PDFTronDelete Delete

    Delete the annotation.

    PDFTronLink Link URL or Page

    Link the annotation to a URL or to a specific page of the file.

  • You can view which annotations were added to a specific markup layer by clicking Expand annotations in Markup Layers Manager panel.

  • You can locate annotations in a markup layer by clicking Locate annotation in the annotation layer.