Analyze the impact of the requested change - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Analyze the impact of the requested change (modified in an update).

The Change Impact Analysis page allows you to do the following:

  • Add and remove documents or tags from the action.

  • Review conflicts with other actions.

  • Send technical queries about documents or tags in your or another person's change action.

SHARED Tip The items in the Potential Impacts and Potential Conflicts lists can be filtered so that you can easily find the required items.

Add or remove documents or tags

When you select a tag or document, additional tags and documents that could be impacted by the change are displayed and can be easily added to the change request.

  1. Select the tag or document in the list.

  2. In the Potential Impacts list, select the tags or documents to add, and select Apply to relate them to your change request.

    If the item is already related, you can remove it from the change request. Select Delete Delete next to the tag or document to remove it.

Expand Expand icon any document to find out more about its status and issue purpose.

  • If you open the document in the View and Markup page (and it is a published Hexagon model that has been transferred to the Facilities Data Warehouse using Data Validator), you can select Show repeated results VIRShowRepeatedResultsButton in the Visual Intelligence panel to group and view tags belonging to more than one change request. For more information, see Using visual intelligence to analyze your data.

Review conflicts

  1. Select the tag or document related to the change request.

  2. In the Potential Conflicts list, review the items that could conflict with your requested change.

    Only items with the status of In Progress or Issued are displayed.

  3. Select the item to view the information and responses for the change request.

  4. Select Impact Analysis from the item's Edit menu to view its impact analysis information.

Create an internal technical query

  1. Select the tag or document related to the change request.

  2. Select Edit > Create an Internal Technical Query to ask questions about the tags or documents involved.