Documentation life cycle - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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All revisable documents follow a controlled document life cycle using a revision scheme that includes current revisions, working revisions, versions, and their attached files.

What is the revision scheme?

A revision scheme is a sequence of major and minor revisions, such as A1 and B1, that are used while creating or revising a document to keep track of its progress as it undergoes change. This, in turn, also reflects any changes made to attached files that the document manages. All revisable documents in the revision scheme are composed of document masters, revisions, and versions along with any attached files.

Document master

A document master represents the top revision-independent information, such as the document title.

Document revision

A document revision contains revision-specific information. As a document is created and revised, new revisions are created and attached to the document master. In a single configuration, such as a plant or a project, there can be only one current revision and one working revision at one time.

Document version

A document version contains version-specific information. A version of a document can be made for each project in a plant. Files are attached to the document version.

What is the document life cycle?

The standard documentation life cycle has stages, such as create, sign off, revise, check out, check in, and sign off. There can be some variation of this depending on the number of revisions and versions needed and which edit command you use, such as Edit Files or Replace Files.


  • The revise, modify, and sign off process can be continually repeated.

  • New documents are brought into the system as Working versions.

How do I view all revisions and versions of a document?

Show all revisions of a document

The Show All Revisions command allows you to display all revisions of a selected document in a results grid. This command is available in the Actions menu of a document.

  • On a document's Actions menu, select Master Relationships > Show All Revisions.

If a collaborating organization user selects a document created by an originating organization user, Show All Revisions displays the signed off current revisions of the selected document by default.

Show all versions of a document

The Show All Versions command allows you to display all versions of a selected document revision in a results grid. If you use this command from the current revision of the document, then all the versions associated with the current revision are returned. However, if you navigate to a superseded revision, the command returns all the versions associated with that revision.

  • On a document's Actions menu, select Revision Relationships > Show All Versions.

If a collaborating organization user selects a document created by an originating organization user, Show All Versions displays the latest signed off current versions of the selected document by default.

The following description and image details how a document progresses through the Document Life Cycle:

  • You create a new document from a master template as a new Working Revision. After sign off, the document is locked and set as the Current Revision (A1).

  • The Current Revision (A1) is revised to create a new Working Revision (B1, Version 1), so you can edit the files in a document. Only working revisions can be edited.

  • The Working Revision (B1, Version 1) is checked out to edit files, which creates Working Revision (B1, Version 2). Any requested attached files are downloaded to your local machine for editing.

  • When you finish making edits to the Working Revision (B1, Version 2) or any later version, and it is complete, you can sign off the Working Revision to create a new Current Revision (B1), which is locked to prevent any further change.


The document life cycle revision process in the image above is summarized by the following:


A new document is created from a master and enters the system as the WORKING REVISION A1.

Sign off

Files are attached to the document and ready to be issued and locked, sign off the revision to create a CURRENT REVISION A1.

Current Revision

The status of the revision that was signed off is changed to CURRENT, and the document is considered Issued.


The CURRENT REVISION A1 is revised, which creates a new WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 1.

The CURRENT REVISION A1 is still the Current revision and the most recently approved and issued revision, but it is marked as undergoing change.

Edit Files

The Edit Files command is used, which creates WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 2, and the attached files are downloaded to a client device for editing.

The WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 1 marked as undergoing change.

Check In

The document's attached files are uploaded and checked in as a new WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 2.


Replace Files

The WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 2 is updated using the Replace Files command, which replaces existing files with files of the same name. This creates a new WORKING REVISION B1, VERSION 3.


Sign Off

The WORKING VERSION B1, VERSION 3 is signed off and is set as the new CURRENT REVISION B1.

The previous existing CURRENT REVISION A1 is set to SUPERSEDED.

  • The example shown is for demonstration of the overall process only. This process can vary depending on your system, the revision scheme, access permissions, and the commands used as shown.

  • Each time a working revision document is edited, a new version is created and the previous version is set as SUPERSEDED. However, all superseded revisions and their versions are retained and can be viewed in the system. For more information, see Viewing the History.