Installing SSL Certificates (retired) - HxGN SDx - HxGN SDx - Reference - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Modified and Retired Functionality

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

This functionality was removed in Update 23.

If you want to use SSL communication on your system, an SSL certificate must be installed on the application server and applied to HTTPS for secure communication with the Intergraph Authorization server using the HTTPS protocol. This is typically configured as part of setting up the computer as a server.

  • In Server Manager, select SmartPlant Foundation Sites > [SPFServer],> Settings, and set RequireHTTPS to True.

However, if you have other environments in which you need to use SSL with the Intergraph Authorization Server, such as a single system not on a network, you can obtain or generate an SSL certificate.

Hexagon software does not support the use of self-signed certificates.