Configure Microsoft Office 365 Authentication for a Web Client site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Using SDxServerManager.exe with the /office365clientid and /office365authority arguments allows you to configure Microsoft Office 365 authentication for an SDx Web Client site.

/office365clientid - identifies the unique ID that is generated when the application is registered in the Microsoft Azure active directory.

/office365authority - identifies the tenant ID that is available in the Azure active directory for the organization. This tenant ID is a part of authority which needs to be updated.

The following example enables Office 365 authentication when you create a Web Client site:

SDxServerManager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 / /port:455 /usehttps:true /office365clientid:<Application (client) ID> /office365authority: <Directory (tenant) ID>/

The following example enables Office 365 authentication when you update a Web Client site:

SDxServerManager.exe /updatewcsite /sn:SDxClient /office365clientid:<Application (client) ID> /office365authority: <Directory (tenant) ID>