Update all sites from a command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /updateallsites argument to update all sites in parallel. You must provide information using additional arguments:

/lsp:[True/False] - if set to True, loads the stored procedures (optional).

/su: - identifies the system user with system admin privileges (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/sp: - identifies the system password (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/out:[JSON file path] - specifies the JSON file path to output the settings to in JSON format.

If any site update fails, an error is written to the log file, and the update process proceeds to the next site.

This example updates all sites for an Oracle server.

SDxServermanager.exe /updateallsites /lsp:True /su:OracleSystem /sp:OracleAdmin

This example updates all sites in parallel for an SQL server:

SDxServermanager.exe /updateallsites /out:"c:\temp\myjson.json"