Create application pools and users file - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The following script files are used for creating application pools in IIS and local operating system users to run the application pools. The following table lists the variables for each script file.


This file creates an application pool for each virtual directory created for the site. The application pool is named the same as the virtual directory. Three application pools are created for each site: the server, the file service, and the FTR service. The virtual directories are then put in their respective application pool.

This file also creates a new user on the operating system for each application pool. The user account is given a password of #1#2#3#4#a#b#c, and it is assigned as the Identity of their respective application pool. The user is also placed in the IIS_USRS group on the operating system.




Name of application pool.


Physical path to virtual directory.


Name of application virtual directory.


True or False (If True, the application pool will be running in 32-bit mode, otherwise 64-bit mode).


Operating system account user name.